Thursday, May 18, 2006

Japanese Textbooks all gone already!!

Thanks to everyone who has written me wanting to get the Japanese texts.
However, they're all going/gone soon to one happy home.
I'll be posting about some random/old computer stuff in a week or so, just so you know.
There will be an old Dell laptop (Windows 95), 2 printers, a scanner and maybe more.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Teach Yourself Japanese

And you can't beat it for 200 yen!

This text is all in English and Romaji (romanized Japanese), so it's a good start for those who are a little hesitant about diving into an all-Japanese

Let me know if you'd like it with a comment or email.

24 Exciting and Challenging Units!

Have you been studying some beginning Japanese and just want a workbook for some reinforcement?

This one from Berlitz could do the trick.

It's got a little writing in it -- yours for free if you want it.

All fired up about writing in Japanese?

Okay, so while you're getting a bunch of free stuff from me to learn how to write Japanese, please take these, too!

The first one is a blank diary notebook. It makes for good self-motivated homework.

There's space for 3 entries per page, so you can just write a little each time and then give it to your Japanese teacher or language-exchange partner to check over for you.

The second notebook is just blank squares for writing the kanji you're trying to learn over and over again!

Sounds great, doesn't it?

Tell me you want them and they're yours for FREE!

Hiragana & Katakana Book + Photocopies


Practice your hiragana and katakana.

The book has been about half-used (?), but the photocopies are clean.
Let me know if you want them.

Write Katakana

Katakana is one of the keys to making life in Japan easy.

One gets tired of pointing and waiting for other people to translate for you.
Getting comfortable with Katakana is the surest way to making your day-to-day reading life (read: restaurant menus) in Japan less of a pain.

This one is mostly written in so it's free for you!

Just let me know you want it. (email or comment)

Let's Learn Hiragana!

Who can say no to such a cheerful title?

Sorry about the blurry inside shot, don't know what happened there.

This one has been written in a little.

200 yen and it's yours if you let me know you want it.

Introduction to Kana

Very simple, easy book of exercises to learn how to write the Japanese "alphabet".

Learn a lot of vocabulary along the way.

Yours for 200 yen if you leave a comment or email me and let me know you want it.

Just getting started with Japanese?

This is a Level 4 Test book. Yours for 200 yen if you email me and let me know you want it!

Excellent basic textbook

This is an excellent classic.
It's slim profile won't intimidate and everything is in Romaji so you can ease your way into reading without too much confusion. 500 yen and it's yours. Email me.

Minna no Nihongo: Text & Workbook Set

This is a very good textbook with an accompanying workbook.

They are totally unmarked and like new.
All exercises include Kanji (with Furigana readings) from the outset, so you can really get in the right frame of mind for immersing yourself in Japanese.

The set is just 1000 yen.

Yours for the asking (leave a comment).


Bilingual Information on Processed Foods in Japan

These are photocopies of an old Nihongo Journal article on processed foods in Japan.
There are a lot of vocabulary words that you'll find very useful if you're interested in label reading and healthy eating in Japan.
Yours for free if you leave me a comment and let me know you want them.

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Level 3 Kanji Study

Writing practice reinforces body-memory of Kanji.
Yours for free if you leave me a comment and let me know you want them.

Not ready for Level 2? Try these Level 3 Tests!

These old Level 3 tests can be yours for free if you leave me a comment and let me know you want them.
They're more marked up than any of the other copies I've posted (from back in the day when I studied more).

Level 2 Proficiency Tests

Get ready for the real thing by taking these old tests.
Timing yourself and checking your ability to pace yourself is great prep and can be a much-needed reality check.
Yours for 500 yen if you leave me a comment.

Japanese Grammar Dictionary Photocopies

These are from a great book that I have found very useful.
Use these copies to carry around and learn a little without carrying the whole book.
Yours for free if you leave me a comment and let me know you want them!

Grammar Notes in Japanese/English & Reading Practice

These are photocopies of Intermediate Japanese reading texts.
Yours for free if you leave me a comment and let me know you want them!

Free Level 2 Grammar Photocopies

Check your Level 2 Grammar with these photocopied exercises.
Really, yours for FREE if you leave me a comment and let me know you want them.

Level 2 Review Quizzes (photocopies)

Here's another collection of free photocopies.
They're end-of-unit review quizzes.
And they're all yours for FREE if you leave me a comment and let me know you want them.

More YMCA photocopies (Intermediate Japanese)

These are handouts created by my Japanese teacher at the YMCA in Hiroshima.
They cover Grammar, Vocabulary, Kanji, and Reading.
Yours for free if you leave me a comment and let me know you want them.

Level 2 Practice Copies (YMCA text)

This is a collection of photocopies (for Level 2 Grammar, Vocabulary, Kanji, Reading) that I inherited from someone who had studied Japanese full-time at the YMCA. Yours for free if you leave me a comment and let me know you want it.

Level 2 Vocabulary & Grammar Drills

Vocabulary & Grammar Drill book: photocopied (Level 2).
Yours for free if you leave a comment and let me know you want it!